
This policy describes the privacy practices regarding information collected from visitors to the site. It contains information about what data is collected and how that information is used. The privacy policy applies only to this Web site. When you follow a link to another site, even the sites of state agencies and local governments, this policy will not apply. You should check the privacy policy of each of these sites if you have concerns about how they handle personally identifiable information. This policy may be updated periodically, so please check back from time to time.

Collection and Use of Information does not sell or rent personally identifiable information. Please be aware that when you provide information to any government entity, however, that information may be subject to the Texas Public Information Act and applicable federal legislation. Information about the Texas Public Information Act is available from the Office of the Attorney General. Each governmental body must be contacted directly about the records they keep and their use of personally identifiable information.

The Web site utilizes server logs and log analysis tools to create summary statistics about the use of the Web site. The summary statistics are used for purposes such as assessing what information is of most interest to users, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas.

Contact Information

Contact Us

Trinity River Corridor Project
1500 Marilla Street
Room 6B South
Dallas, TX 75201
Upcoming Events
Continental Ave Bridge &
West Dallas Gateway

Weekly Activities

T.R.U.E. Team Volunteers
Every Tuesday through October
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Fall Field Day

Pavilion and Amphitheater at Moore Park
More information...
drain after the rain
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Practice 4Ds to fight West Nile
Como combatir el Virus del Nilo